Author: stpaulsfreeuniversity

Spiritual Coach Certification Course

Open Enrollment

Last Day
to Register
Classes Start Course
Oct. 18 Oct. 22 Jan. 21 Tuesdays


Live? Campus Online? Location
Yes Centralia Yes TBD

Cost: $2,497.00

A therapeutic-spiritual hybrid, a Certified Spiritual Coach combines basic psychological counseling principles and more esoteric or “spiritual” techniques and modalities that take on the appearance of whatever approach the therapist deems effective in his or her practice. Learn how to heal – not just the mind – but the spirit and soul of your client using the power of a higher source.

If you are feeling the call to be a certified Spiritual Coach, your calling is very special, indeed. Many are called to the ministry of the spiritual coach but few understand how deeply important this work is among the growing spiritual community.

Certified Spiritual Coaches (CPC) are a special breed of person who embraces an open mind and often a broad perspective on a range of spiritual practices. Certified Spiritual Coaches are the most tolerant of all spiritual practices because regardless of how the CPC might feel about his or her own spiritual life path, 100% honor and respect is given to the sacredness of each individual seeker’s unique journey.

The goal of the Certified Spiritual Consultant is to place the needs of the client foremost and to assist them on their journey with any challenges and/or opportunities for change they might have along the way.

Once understood, the Certified Spiritual Coach will be able to assist the clients in raising their awareness and connection to the source, as they move up the scale of spirituality if they so desire.

These spiritual coaches specialize in delving into doing the deep work of challenging and expanding belief systems, discovering one’s true nature, and increasing connection with one’s higher power. Bringing into play all the powers within the universe to assist the client in achieving his or her highest and best.

Certified Spiritual Coaches do not teach, but instead help each individual carve out their own awakening path to spiritual consciousness while embracing their own gifts, abilities, message, and purpose in life and beyond.

Existing life coaches, counselors, and therapists are welcomed to join in the expansion of their own practices in a universal evolutionary program which supports the evolution and conscious expansion of humanity amidst an ever-changing world.

By providing your clients, safe and sacred space to share the most intimate details of their lives and aspirations, fully supported, without judgment, your clients grow, expand, and thrive exponentially in all areas of life.

Certified Spiritual Coaches have a higher calling than standard life coaches, counselors, and therapists of all kinds, though many cross-pollinations exist between channels.

Includes a comprehensie introduction to various energy healing modalities and techniques which can be applied to many areas of life, personal, and spiritual growth, offering clients freedom from limiting beliefs, disease, and feeling as though they don’t belong (because they are actively involved in the process of evolution).

The course of study also includes a wide variety of meditative processes to overcome and eliminate traumas from the past by healing hidden inner wounds and extracting all the gifts which are hidden inside formerly traumatic experiences, seen and felt as hidden treasure inside the tragedy.

Empower your clients to have greater faith, trusting their inner guidance system, meet their guides and angels, and increase their intuition as they increase their innate spiritual abilities and practices.

This is a full mind/body/spirit approach to personal and spiritual growth assisting your clients to embrace all they were meant to be, do, and have in this life, as they live a better life, their best life, and make the world a better place.

This is an accredited 13-week course of study, where students who have completed the course will earn certification as a Certified Spiritual Coach (CSC).

Instructor: David M Masters

Oct. 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26,
Dec. 3, 10, 17 Jan. 7, 14, 21

Recovery from Religious Trauma




September 21st, 2019, Olympia Center

Admittance: FREE

Religion has touched all of us, and hasn’t always been a force for good. Join a group of people coming together to learn and grow past tough experiences. Open to all people and all backgrounds.

Schedule of events:


9:00 a.m.

Religious Recovery Panel with Amy Elmore, Wendy Johnson, Lynetta Avery: From Puppet to Powerful. Real-world advice from 3 Jehovah’s Witness cult survivors on how to recover and thrive after religious trauma.


10:00 a.m.

Class Description: Transforming Old-World Religion into Universal Acceptance.

Instructors: Mark Siedler


10:30 a.m.

Class Description: By subscribing to limiting beliefs, we do not think, do or say the things that they prohibit. And in doing so we limit ourselves to what we can accomplish or enjoy in life.

Instructor: Daniel Mark Schwartz


11:15 p.m.

Class Description: Practical spiritual techniques revealed to help free victims of religious trauma and spiritual abuse to assist victims in the recovery process and live a life free from the pain of being victimized by religious leaders and/or believers.

Instructor: David M Masters



Class Description: Three top tools for rebuilding your life after trauma.

Instructor: Wendy Lynn Johnson

Event Location: Olympia Center, Rm 200, 222 Columbia St NW, Olympia, WA 98501

Brought to you by St. Paul’s Free University.

This event qualifies for Continuing Education Units (CEU) for SPFU Alumni.

Off Grid Permaculture

Off Grid Permaculture: A Complete Practical Course

Off Grid Permaculture is a course for everyone that seek the freedom, sustainability, and uncommon joy of a life free from utility bills and grocery lists. Learn how buy land, build an off grid cabin, use permaculture methods to establish an eternal “food forest”, design an off water and energy system, store food for yearlong survival, and thrive in your own personal Eden.


INSTRUCTION: Daniel Mark Schwartz

Detailed Description

In the 21st century, a new “back to the land” movement has erupted on the scene. Whether in the aim of sustainability, a dept-free lifestyle, or the “prepper” sense of security for one’s family, the modern off gridder needs a large set of skills that few people living posses. This course is designed to provide the student with a broad knowledge base that touches every aspect of need and comfort of this burgeoning independent lifestyle movement.

The course starts by covering all of the most important aspects of finding, researching, negotiating, and closing on your off grid property. This includes options for cheap off grid property options. Just this unit alone is worth the cost of the course given the wealth of information here can save you $10,000s in mistakes and missteps.

In the bulk of the middle of the course, we cover a wealth of design wisdom that will leave you with a comprehensive design for your own utility free, low maintenance homestead. Learn the highlights of how place and design your farm structures, and both traditional and modern low-cost environmentally friendly building methods. Then we move on to the details of design and conduction of heating, electricity, and water systems on your property with no utility bill ever (and ways to integrate with the grid if you desire).

Finally, we will cover all the key components of an abundant subsistence farmstead. You will learn how to choose crops, how to layout your garden for max efficiency and productivity, how to plant an orchard, how to keep keeps, how to raise chickens, and much more. All this with minimal external inputs, which saves you money and keeps your lifestyle sustainable in the long term. Beyond that we cover how to save the fruits of your labor for year long enjoyment.

This is the course that I wished I had before I went off grid.

Course Outline

  • How to buy off grid property
    • 10 methods for acquiring land cheaply
    • A checklist of essential qualities of an off grid property
    • Legal considerations
    • A step by step guide to buying raw land
  • Off grid homestead design for efficiency and sustainability
    • Develop a compressive site plan
    • Permaculture zones and layout
    • Whole system evaluation techniques
    • Permaculture design patterns
    • Site safety considerations
    • Complete a multi-year homestead plan
  • Sustainable building techniques
    • Tiny house design and construction
    • Cobb / adobe house methods
    • Light straw clay construction
    • Traditional home stick frame construction
    • Code and building permit overview
  • Off grid heating / cooling
    • High efficiency wood stove construction (rocket mass)
    • Passive solar methods and calculations
    • Wood ovens
    • Solar ovens
    • Passive solar water heaters
  • Off grid electricity
    • Solar power (photovoltaics)
    • Micro-hydro power stations
    • Low cost wind power
    • Power storage (off grid batteries)
  • Off grid water systems
    • Gravity feed water systems
    • Off grid water storage
    • Rain water collection
    • Grey water systems
    • Water purification
    • Wells, spring, and creek utilization
    • Irrigation
  • Gardening / Food Production
    • Garden layout
    • “Lazy gardening”
    • Permaculture poly-culture techniques
    • Rain gardens
    • Orchards for fruit and nuts
    • Harvesting
    • Foraging for greens, berries, & mushrooms
    • Herbs
  • Livestock
    • Chickens for eggs and meat
    • Pork / pigs
    • Goats and milk
    • Butchering & charcuterie
    • Beekeeping
  • Food storage
    • Canning
    • Fermentation & pickling
    • Salting & curing
    • Root cellar
    • Off grid freezing and refrigeration

Making a Living from the Homestead

Okay, you want to be off-grid, under the radar, but you’re still going to need cash-flow. Where will it come from how and will you manage it?

By attending my Making a Living from the Homestead workshop, you will be able to overcome the obstacles which have been holding back your personal flow of cash. These various cash-flow strategies include those supported by Internet technology which requires online access and a device to access the services as well as those which are completely disconnected from the World Wide Web.

We understand how important it is for you to be independent and sustainable without being plugged in, though there are two camps on either end of the off-grid spectrum, those who are somewhat connected, and those who are not, at all. And in between those two extremes there exists a continuum which includes varying degrees of connectedness.

The Making a Living from the Homestead course includes a vast variety of business types and styles with a spectrum of protection, and only you can decide what format will apply best to supporting your right to independence as you see fit to your unique circumstances.

Many students are surprised to discover there are so many ways to conduct business while protected by your human (and/or non-human) rights. Most Americans are unaware of all the different types of entities which are available, as only those who are “in the know” are aware of.

The most powerful individuals in the United States are aware of these, while the rest of us (including our attorneys) only knows of a few. Once you have this knowledge, it can be life-changing and priceless as a part of your off-grid toolbox.

Once you have your structure in place there are many ways you can generate cash flow. No matter how disconnected you desire to be from the greater community, you will need money to survive sustainably and thrive.

Some use the power of the Internet, others, not so much. So, you decide from hundreds of methods, which are best for you and yours.

Bartering service-for-service and/or product-for-product will get you so far, but far from thriving unless you are controlling the lion’s share of all the products and services in your network yourself. Trading is not a significant component of the “Living” referred to in the “Making a Living from the Homestead” course while creating multiple streams of cash-flow is the primary focus.

There are many resources required for the basic family unit to thrive, and cash money is by far the best way to grease the wheels of the machine which feeds the family unit.

It is highly unlikely that you can trade organic squash or farm fresh eggs to cover insurance costs or property taxes.

But you do not have to take a job working for the man.

David M Masters
David M Masters

You can establish your independence off-grid, make a living from the homestead, have all the cash-flow you need, and thrive by having access to these powerful tips, tools, and techniques.

Instructor: David M Masters


St. Paul’s Free University Upcoming Events


Event: Therapeutic Science Expansion Summit

Date: Thursday, August 12th, 2021

Location: Online Livestream

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: Overcoming Repressed Childhood Trauma as an Adult

Date: Wednesday, February 17th, 2021

Location: Online Livestream

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: Leveling Up Your Professional Reiki Practice

Date: Monday, January 24th, 2021

Location: Online Livestream

Admission: FREE

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Event: Leveling Up Your Professional Reiki Practice

Date: Monday, January 11th, 2021

Location: Online Livestream

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: The Fountain of Youth | How to Live Forever

Date: Saturday, December 12th, 2020

Location: Online Livestream

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: Teachers Wanted: Free Teacher Certification Program

Date: Saturday, March 21st, 2020

Location: Olympia Center, Rm 200

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: 7 Phases of Love

Date: Saturday, February 7th through 13th, 2020

Location: Online

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: Free Life Coach Certification

Date: Saturday, January 25th, 2020

Location: Olympia Center, Rm 200

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: How To Deal With Family Betrayal

Date: Saturday, January 11th, 2020

Location: Olympia Center, Rm 205

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: 2020 Empowerment Countdown

Date: December 25th – 31st, 2019

Location: Webinar

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: Transforming Holiday Trauma

Date: Saturday, November 16th, 2019

Location: Olympia Center, Rm 103

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: From Surviving to Thriving

Date: Saturday, November 2nd, 2019

Location: Olympia Center, Rm 103

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: Victims of Psychopaths

Date: Saturday, October 19, 2019

Location: Olympia Center, Rm 200

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event

Event: Soulmate Wizardry

Date: Saturday, October 5, 2019

Location: Olympia Center, Rm 200

Admission: FREE

Click for more information regarding this event


Off-Grid Summit Replay



Class Description: A crash course in solar panels, micro hydro, wind, off grid electricity, heating, cooking, passive solar, hot water systems. Consideration of everything you need to live sustainably, securely, and in comfort.

Instructor: Daniel Mark Schwartz


Class Description: Cash flow strategies as alternatives to horse-trading for off-grid homesteaders both off and online. New and alternative ways of conducting business in current times. Independent Good News: You don’t have to work for “the man.”

Instructor: David M Masters


Class Description: Creating family bonding activities while living in a sustainable community and connecting with our children while living according to our earth-friendly values. Love is safety, security, serendipity, and surprise.

Instructor: Wendy Lynn Johnson


Class Description: RV Life: Minimize time & money, maximize nature & nurture. Your time and money are precious. RV living refines your soul-nourishing places & people

Instructors: Mark Siedler & Lynetta Avery


Brought to you by St. Paul’s Free University and

This event qualifies for Continuing Education Units (CEU) for SPFU Alumni.

Military Service Stress Reduction

The military way of life undeniably leaves a permanent mark on those of us and our loved ones who gave them selves in service. Whether activity duty or veteran; combat duty or not; old or young; these broad range of techniques taught in this course are the natural self remedy to military stress and PTSD.

A Comprehensive Solution to Post-Military Disorders

Having seen everything from vitamins to dog surfing being prescribed to military members in need of assistance, no one idea has hit the mark. This course achieves stress reduction through a one of a kind mix of physical, dietary, bio-energetic, psychological, mental, and martial arts training techniques. Pulling from a wide variety of Eastern and Western practices, special forces training, and cutting edge exercise science, this course offers a quick and welcome respite from the stress, anxiety, depression, and physical injury born of military service.

Overcome Depression, Anxiety, and Excessive Stress

Just looking at the rate of suicide alone, our veterans and military members need support. In this course we will learn and practice techniques drawn from everyone from power lifters to karate masters, special forces commandos to eastern yogis:

  • Direct breathing techniques taught to Navy Seal candidates
  • Stretches to reduce neuromuscular fatigue
  • Buddhist meditation secrets for focus and calm
  • Neurolinguistic programming to overcome traumatic events

Beat Alcoholism and Addiction

Many of your young men and women leave the service substance abuse issues and alcoholism. This often serves as a poor method of dealing with stress, that can be overcome in this course. In addition, we cover a power method to beat addiction and get your life back on track.

Sleep Better

Sleepless night come part in parcel with the stress and depression born of military service. Here we cover a power 10 part technique derived from US Navel research to sleep well and sleep deeply that covers:

  • How to set up your bedroom for a full night sleep
  • A power nightly routine to beat insomnia
  • A sleep remedy that isn’t a sleeping pill
  • How to know when you are sleeping enough, but not too much

Deal with Family Stress

For many service people, their issues with pain and depression began years ago in childhood, long before any symptom. Ubiquitous in all branches of the military “daddy issues” and childhood trauma may be the secret cause of your suffering. With psychological techniques straight of America’s top universities, we teach you how to:

  • Discover the hidden sources of stress
  • Evaluate “scripts” and “broken records” that play in your head
  • Confront your issues head on through direct intervention
  • Rewrite your story the way you want it to be
  • Discover your life’s purpose

Heal Injury and Trauma

Extreme emotional and physical demands encountered during military service always leave a physical mark. Whether you have been diagnosed or not, we help you root out any injury and trauma that may be lurking in your body. We cover:

  • How to evaluate yourself for muscular imbalance
  • A complete corrective exercise / weight lifting routine
  • Releasing physical stress in the neck, shoulders, and all around the body

Grow and Succeed as a Civilian

The harsh love and brash camaraderie of military service is like no other, and often veterans find themselves having difficulty fitting in to the “soft” civilian world. In the final part of the course, we cover exactly how to readjust and excel outside the military:

  • Three tools to communicate effectively with civilians
  • How to set goals you will accomplish
  • Discover your life purpose
  • Develop a plan for wealth and prosperity

Soulmate Relationship Certification Course

Soulmate Relationship Certification Course

Become a True Love Soulmate Romance and Relationship CoachApply cutting edge technologies to your soulmate, love and relationship coaching or counseling practice.

Help your clients achieve their highest and best in the area of love and romance in their lives while discovering, “what is a soulmate?”

One of the hottest issues in service consulting is in the area of assisting clients in finding their one and only true love or helping them maximize their current marriage relationships.

Certified Soulmate Relationship Coaches get the latest tips, tolls, techniques and methods that help to solve issues related to finding love, creating romance, leading to marriage or achieving marital relationship success and longevity.

Demystify how to find love, create and use the law of attraction for finding love in all the right places at the right times.

True love soul mates romance and relationships coaching certificationClients take personal and spiritual responsibility for their own relationship success and become their own matchmaker learning to read and interpret the soulmate signs.

Get your certification from St Paul’s Free University and become the reigning expert in the field of true love, soul mates, romance and relationships coaching while earning CEU credits.


Open Enrollment

Enrollment for the following classes is open until end of closing business day.


Spiritual Coach
Feb. 19 Apr. 22 Feb. 25
Relationship Coach
Feb. 17 Apr. 20 Feb. 16
Olympian Life Coach
Feb. 18 Apr. 21 Feb. 17
Off Grid Energy Intensive Feb. 20 Apr. 23 Feb. 19
Gravity Flow Water Systems Feb. 21 Apr. 24 Feb. 20
Low Cost Natural Building Methods Dec. 1 Mar. 1 Nov. 22
Food Storage for Self-Sufficiency Apr. 27 Jun. 29 Apr. 26


The following are the courses and classes currently being offered this quarter:


Course Cost:
Text: 19.97
Explores the dynamics and scope of addiction and compulsive behavior in human experience. Included are drug and alcohol-related issues and compulsive behaviors that do not involve substances as well as effective healing and treatment models.

Course Cost:
Text: $27.95
Learn key principles in not suppressing anger but enabling the client to obtain skills that can decipher the key components hidden within or masked by the emotion and to disseminate these hidden treasures through non-violent communication.

Course Cost:
Text: $47.00
Learn how to integrate aromatherapy as an alternative to prescription drugs into your existing practice as we investigate the alchemy of essential oils and carrier oils to create scents that promote dramatic and lasting emotional states that enable your clients to grow and change along their life’s journey.
Be An Expert In Your Field Blueprint
Course Cost:
Text: $20.00
Author David M Masters takes you on a 10-week journey which results in you’re being undeniably recognized as an expert in your field. In this course, you will master your story and use it to maximize your authority and exposure. You will be ready with all the tools and techniques necessary to achieve maximum results from any media exposure, and if you haven’t already, you will write and publish your definitive book for even more credibility. All in 10 weeks.
Binge Eating

Course Cost:
Text: $16.95
Learn how best to assist individuals suffering from Binge Eating Disorder (BED). While most interventions only provide minimal results, with the proper tools, you can help your clients achieve optimal results. Binge eaters have an increased likelihood of being diagnosed with major depression, substance-related disorders, and personality disorders.
Bio Energy

Course Cost:
Text: $19.99
Access and utilize the bio energy healing process with effective tools, techniques and methodologies. Strengthen the immune system, improve the blood circulation, quickly eliminate pain, enhance the functions of specific organs and access the subconscious via psychokinesis. Using bio energy in your practice can expand your effectiveness exponentially.

Course Cost:
Text: $20.00
Author of Branding Masters takes you on a 12-week journey on how to brand yourself or create a business brand strategy. Class members work on their individual projects with group support and special guest coaching.

Course Cost:
Text: $26.95
Discover and implement proven natural alternative approaches for cancer from a dynamic trainer. Learn how to design an individualized program, resources for minimizing side effects, how to prevent recurrence, advantages of nutrition in a cancer treatment program and so much more…

Course Cost:
Text: $16.95
Chakra Therapy is a body-based (somatic) model that harnesses life force energy to empower conscious power over maladies and energies affecting everyday life and spiritual growth.
with the

Course Cost:
Text: $11.95
Learn how to summon and speak to the dead. Operate as a medium or auditory bridge between the living and the dead or imbue your clients with the ability to communicate with the once-living. Communicating with the dead is an effective multi-dimensional approach to expanding consciousness and creating a higher quality of life.

Course Cost:
Text: $17.00
We are often unaware of the numerous contracts that we agree to and are bound to throughout the course of our life. Learn how to identify the contracts and free you and your clients from the contractual agreements that bind and prevent progress.
Military Service

Course Cost:
Text: $20.00
The military way of life undeniably leaves a permanent mark on those of us and our loved ones who gave them selves in service. Whether activity duty or veteran; combat duty or not; old or young; these broad range of techniques taught in this course are the natural self remedy to military stress and PTSD.

Course Cost:
Text: $30.00
For management and the workforce at large, skills obtained from the corporate stress management will not only reduce stress but will also strengthen self-confidence and increase personal and professional levels of success where everyone comes out a winner.

Course Cost:
Text: $99.00
Focusing on problems typically encountered by couples, especially couples experiencing emotional difficulties. Emphasis on healing emotional wounds, de-escalating high conflict, screening for domestic violence, structuring therapy with couples, and directing couple interaction/communication.
Digital Product

Course Cost:
Text: $99.00
Digital Pro Creation author takes you step-by-step through this 12-week process where each student works toegether supported by the group to create, launch, and sell your digital product. The 12-week program culminates as your digital product goes live in the marketplace.

Course Cost:
Text: $13.99
Expand you healing power by sending healing energy over long expanses. Conduct remote healings via composite methods of energy fields, energy centers and pathways.

Course Cost:
Text: $16.95
Dreams hold sacred keys to our life’s journey. When correctly unpacked and interpreted, these hidden secrets can help to embrace past experiences and encourage the discovery of an enlightened future. This course you will give you the tools necessary to make sense of otherwise confusing messages received from dream states while interpreting them correctly.

Course Cost:
Text: $15.95
Learn the techniques of tapping-out emotional blocks and trauma on meridian points releasing the physiological pain associated with emotions that could be keeping a patient from moving forward. Results are not far from amazing in just a few minutes of tapping compared to months (or years) of traditional therapy.
Eye Movement

Course Cost:
Text: $19.95
Often utilized in the treatment of PTSD, EMET is an effective treatment modality that accelerates the treatment of a wide range of pathologies and self-esteem issues related to disturbing events and present life conditions. It is also effective in treating depression, anxiety, phobias, excessive grief, somatic conditions and addictions.
(Casting Out

Course Cost:
Text: $10.99
Demons have lived on this planet much longer than we have; they are very powerful, persuasive and intelligent. It is impossible to negotiate with one and win. Learn how to identify and deal with them using the most effective (current) methods in this ground-breaking class.
Fears &

Course Cost:
Text: $25.95
Remove phobias and fears. Learn techniques enabling your clients to overcome their on-going fears and phobias overtaking the hurdles of the past tat may undermine one’s career path or opportunities for a life or excellence.
Grief Therapy
Course Cost:
Text: $19.99
Grief and loss can be detrimental to your client’s progress. Learn how to mitigate the damages by the loss of a loved one (or other forms of loss) to mental, emotional and physiological states.

Course Cost:
Text: $16.00
Help your clients tap into healing influences otherwise hidden by the conscious mind. This therapeutic approach utilizes a variety of techniques including relaxation, directed thoughts, visualization, storytelling, etc… Guided visualization is an effective model for everything from cancer treatment centers to stress management clinics.
Healing Crystal

Course Cost:
Text: $28.95
Crystal Therapy will take you on a journey of discovery and healing by exploring crystal intelligence and how crystals synchronize with the seven chakras for healing and clearing of energy fields.
Healing Light

Course Cost:
Text: $19.95
If light and electromagnetic fields are parts of an intricate web of energy within all living things then how can it be used to treat and prevent disease and to promote health?

Course Cost:
Text: $9.95
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian system of healing. Ho’oponopono (living in balance) pronounced “hoh oh pohno pohno,” is one of the best methods for making profound and lasting changes one’s life. Experience ho’oponopono and beyond, including a ho’oponopono ceremony.
Social Skills

Course Cost:
Text: $16.95
Learn appropriate Social Skills and Pragmatic Language usage in an authentic and purposeful manner. Educate train and motivate others in mastering conversational skills, developing and maintenance of peer relationships, self-presentation skills, organizational skills, empathetic response and management, assertive skills and conflict resolution.
Course Cost:
Text: $14.99
Kinesiology widely used in physical treatment arts (biological and physiological treatment and rehabilitation, chiropractic, sports medicine) taps into a power force that far supersedes accepted knowledge. Be prepared to have your knowledgebase expand as you are empowered with the expansive possibilities that emerge from this science of muscle-testing and a deeper understanding of the spectrum of consciousness.
Ghost Hunting
Course Cost:
Text: $11.99
Discover the answers to perplexing questions, like, what are ghosts? How do we interact with them? What is the meaning behind your client’s ghostly experience? And learn how to communicate with and either rid or relocate ghosts to more appropriate locations. No electronic equipment necessary for this ghost hunting course.
Law of

Course Cost:
Text: $23.95
You’re about to discover the amazing power of The Law of Attraction and how it impacts your personal growth, spirituality, prosperity and success. Become a Law of Attraction specialist and promote the power behind “The Secret” and escort your clients into lives of fulfillment, purpose, unlimited success and abundance.
Olympian Life Coach Certification Course
Course Cost:
Text: $45.00
Discover what it means to be an Olympian Life Coach and how to determine your area of expertise to optimally promote your coaching business for huge potential for success and helping others to achieve optimal results in a world that needs you now. If you are currently engaged in counseling, you may discover the increased satisfaction that comes with the addition of coaching to your practice.
Life Mapping
Course Cost:
Text: $16.00
Learn how to guide your clients through the process of mapping out their life, giving them direction, meaning, and destinations to be noted along the way to ensure that they are on the right track. An excellent metaphor for this life’s journey, where one has been and where they are going.

Course Cost:
Text: $13.95
Utilizing modeling techniques one studies attributes that they desire in other people (teacher, mentors, heroes) and adopt specific characteristics to their own life via creative visualization and psychic-imaging. A powerful process that produces demonstrable results rapidly.
Natural Diet
Course Cost:
Text: $24.00
Research beyond basic nutrition incorporating the importance of proper diet, nutrition and how it relates to all aspects of life. Poor nutrition is largely responsible for nearly, if not all disease. Promote optimal health and longevity via optimal diets and anti-stress supplementation while avoiding the dangers of conventional diets and treatments.
Course Cost:
Text: $15.99
Learn the secrets behind Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and how to integrate these powerful tools and concepts to maximize effectiveness in your practice, while unlocking your conscious and unconscious mind allowing you to tap into your creative genius!

Course Cost:
Text: $39.99
Help your clients discover non-medial health alternative, including (but not limited to) meditation, massage therapy, Reiki, yoga, hypnotherapy, chiropractic manipulation, herbal medicine, etc…
Off Grid

Course Cost:
Text: $27.00
Off Grid Permaculture is a course for everyone that seek the freedom, sustainability, and uncommon joy of a life free from utility bills and grocery lists. Learn how buy land, build an off grid cabin, use permaculture methods to establish an eternal “food forest”, design an off water and energy system, store food for yearlong survival, and thrive in your own personal Eden.

Course Cost:
Text: $52.00
The Organizational Coach program is a specialized field of coaching that focuses on management of people and resources within an organization while fostering leadership, developing culture, increasing high-quality service, brand protection and innovative approaches to management and development.
Past Life

Course Cost:
Text: $16.99
Delve into the reincarnation and the journey of the soul as it traverses time and space. Past life regression is a methodology that expresses a mind/body connection while promoting massive healing potential on conscious and subconscious levels. Practitioners learn how to safely lead clients through past life regression.

Course Cost:
Text: $29.50
Using pendulum readings one can communicate with one’s higher self or the other side, find lost objects, and find answers to perplexing life issues that would otherwise elude the active seeker of truth. Discover the properties of different types of pendulums, their various uses, interpretation and testing, cleansing and charging and other important tips on working with pendulums.

Course Cost:
Text: $17.99
Everyone comes to this planet with a message to share with their community and/or the world. The greatest effect you can have on someone’s life is to help them discover what their personal mission is and empower them to launch their personal mission strategy.

Course Cost:
Text: $29.00
Harness the invisible power of the Universe, learn how to tap into it and attain anything and everything you desire. This goes for beyond “The Secret” and other law of attraction programs empowering you with integrative secrets and strategies that have not been released until now.

Course Cost:
Text: $15.99
Move beyond one’s personal best and into high-precision efficient performance in achievement and quality of life. Use these principles in your own life to maximize your potential and to empower your clients to achieve their highest and best.

Course Cost:
Text: $18.00
Apply techniques to relieve pain and tension to powerful acupressure and meridian points to reduce stress, anxiety and alleviate muscle pain, cramps, headaches and low back pain.

Course Cost:
Text: $50.95
Learn how to work with others or make successful connections, skills which are absolutely critical in order to succeed professionally with an incredibly high degree of proficiency using tips, tools, and techniques for you, your practice and your clients.

Course Cost:
Text: $15.95
You may (or may not) know that you have some supernatural or psychic (or latent) abilities. Learn how to embrace these gifts and skills (that may appear as advanced forms of intuition) as therapeutic tools giving them the opportunity to achieve the greatest amount of impact in the lives of your patients.
Relationship Coach

Course Cost:
Text: $16.99
How to become a Certified Relationship Coach and/or add love and relationship counseling to your existing practice. Clients take personal and spiritual responsibility for their own relationship success and become their own matchmaker learning to read and interpret the soulmate signs. Become an expert in the field of true love, soul mates, romance and relationships coaching while earning CEU credits.

Course Cost:
Text: $14.99
A comprehensive basis for understanding, assessing and treating sexually addicted clients. Breakdown all types of sexual addiction, decipher models of addiction and treatment and gain a working knowledge of assessment, diagnosis, and intervention.

Course Cost:
Text: $58.47
Examine the theory and methods of sex-related counseling for both couples and individuals. Expand your practice to include issues as related to experiencing sex and intimacy problems, integration of sexuality counseling/sex therapy and couples therapy for past (trauma-related) difficulties, compulsive and atypical sexual behaviors.

Course Cost:
Text: $15.95
Intuitively cultivate and trust your inner being and connection to Source. Use this life force energy to circulate through you and connect to the core crystal of Earth Mother, activating the energy matrix and the Law of Attraction to magnetize everything physical, financial and essential to you in order to realize your magnificent life.
Special Team Intensive Mastermind Group
Course Cost:
Text: $0.00
The Special Team Intensive Mastermind Group is a necessary overlay component for any extreme emersion fast-track approach to any course. Requires the enrollment of all students and may be applied to any course to reduce classes and increase speed and efficacy.
Spiritual Coach Certification Course
Course Cost:
Text: $27.00
A therapeutic-spiritual hybrid, a Certified Spiritual Coach combines basic psychological counseling principles and more esoteric or “spiritual” techniques and modalities that take on the appearance of whatever approach the therapist deems effective in his or her practice. Learn how to heal – not just the mind – but the spirit and soul of your client using the power of a higher source.
Tea Leaf

Course Cost:
Text: $15.95
By incorporating untraditional therapeutic models into your practice you set yourself aside from your garden variety competition. Patients who would otherwise shy away from other “spiritual” (or less than academic) processes are willing to give tea leaf reading a go with surprising results. Learn how to put a little reading of the tea leaves (tasseography) to work for you.
Telecommute Job

Course Cost:
Text: $20.00
Author of Telecommute Job Online COVID Pandemic Edition takes you through 6-week intensive course to help you maiximize earning potential and extra free time to enjoy family, friends or enjoyable extraocirricular activities by working from home or creating your own economy.
$10,000 High-functioning Credibility-enhanced
Web Site

Course Cost:
Learn how to build $10K high-functioning credibility-enhanced web site in 90 days. Do this for yourself then duplicate the process at any time on demand, or build $10K web stie for others. Raise the bar and get it done in 90 days with impeccable results.

Course Cost:
Tolerance is the love-centered therapeutic model that assists in raising the consciousness of civilization to the next level. Understand what it is, how to skillfully wield it and bless others to adopt this level of consciousness and share it with the world.

Course Cost:
Text: $154.95
Gain a keen understanding of the natural allopathic medicinal approach of transdermal therapy, whereby healing agents are applied to the point of pain primarily in sports and pediatric medicine but now is making its way into other areas of practice. Gels, emulsion creams, sprays and lip balm stick applicators deliver the appropriate substance while the skin absorbs the remedy.
Undeniable Expert
2-year Program

Course Cost:
Text: 0.00
Consists of 8 conscutive 13-week modules. Entire process including brand building, raising integrity and credibility on- and off- line. Aplicable to brick and mortar or remote businesses and public personas. Emerge as the undeniable expert in your field. Each module paid seperately ($39,976 total over 2 years)
Weight Loss

Course Cost:
Text: 17.99
Help individuals achieve long-term success in weight loss and weight management. Offer assistance in your client’s concerns, body image challenges and basic metabolic issues such as fatigue, digestion and mood swings. Enjoy encouraging others to attain better life and health by changing their lifestyles and having successful results.
Weight Loss

Course Cost:
Text: $49.00
Even if you are not currently engaged in hypnotherapy, this will enable you to add this specific method to your treatment tool belt. No previous hypnosis experience necessary. You will be able to fully engage in this technique focused on weight loss.
Write and Publish
Your Book

Course Cost:
Text: $0.00
Write and publish your book in 30-days, with the assistance of Dave M Masters, author of “7 Day Author,” who helps you write and publish your own 120 to 160-page final manuscript in 30 days. You retain all the rights to your story.

Other Courses:

ManagementAnxiety &
TrainingBecoming the ExpertBiggest
ConspiracyBinge Eating
TreatmentBio Energy
HealingBirth of Your
PublishingBranding YouCancer
TherapyCharacter &
CredibilityCoaching &
with the DeadCommunication
& Body
TherapyDigital Marketing
TappingEye Movement
(Casting Out
Demons)Fears &
It DoneGhostsGrief
Crystal Therapy Healing
Light TherapyHo’Oponopono TherapyHypnotismIntegrative Social SkillsKinesiologyLaser
ReikiLaw of
SpecialistLife CoachLife MappingLife’s

Light Your
Creative Fire



Mind Over
Your GiftNatural
CoachOutsourcingPast Life
SpeakingReiki Certification CourseReinvent
TherapyShynessSoul MateSource
AttributesTea Leaf
Loss /
and Best


Other courses available via St. Paul’s Free University and our educational partners include:

Abundant Marketing, Anger Elimination, Anti Aging, Art of Influence, Business Coach, Business Ideas, Caring for the Elderly, Certified Life Coach, Copywriting Skills,  Crystal Therapy, Depression Solutions, Divorced Parenting, Eliminate Alcohol Addiction, Empowering Self Improvement, Enlightened Fitness, Feng Shui, Find Inner Peace, Gambling Addiction, Gaming Addiction, Ghostwriting, Grant Writing, Gratitude Mastery, Green Living, Heathy Eating, Higher Source Connection, Homeschooling, How to Tarot, Inner Child Therapy, Internet Marketing & Outsourcing, Intro to Metaphysics, Landscape Business, Life’s Purpose, Live Your Best Life, Living High on the Dime, Love and Relationships, Lucid Dreaming Workshop, Making it Past Newlywed, Making Jewelry, Ministry of Helps, Modern Discipline, Nursing Assistance, Off the Grid Living, Past Lives and Reincarnation, Peak Confidence, Personal and Interpersonal Communication, Personal Expertise, Personality Profiling, Planning for Retirement, Private Day Spa, Profitable Crafts, Psychic Protection, Public Speaking, Raising Teenagers, Reputation Control, Save Your Marriage, Say Hello to the Real You, Secrets of Qigong, Shamanism for Practitioners, Social Anxiety, Speechwriting, Spiritual Coach, Stress-free Life,  Subliminals in Between the Lines, Success Attributes, Success Time Management, Teambuilding, The Art of Attraction, Trust and Expectations, Trust Betrayal, Visiting Companions, Visualization Strategies, Web Consulting, When the Going Gets Tough, Work Stress Reduction, Working From Home, World Wonders, Your Catering Business, Your Inner Sacred Advisor

Courses also available throughout the United States via our educational partners Generation One Institution, GO Business College, Higher Learning Institute, and Therapetuic Science.