2020 Empowerment Countdown Replay

Join us on this 7 day journey of growth and self discovery. Designed to help you bring in the new decade on the right foot, this series of short videos brings a wide range of techniques and perspectives to bear on the task of living your life to the fullest.

Dec 25: Regaining Control of Finances

Practical Planning for Financial Independence

Daniel M Schwartz

Many people dream of of living a life of financial abundance and security, but they lack the concrete planning and step by step method to make it a reality in their life. In this talk I’ll cover three actionable methods that you can use to move your daily activities in a direction that leads to a fulfilling life that is increasingly independent from employers, organizations, or governments that seek to keep you a slave to the system. But through deliberate action the average person is presented with the opportunity to grow in to a state of wealth and happiness currently unimaginable to the majority of typical people on the street.

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Monetize Your Heart

David M Masters

Author and business consultant, David M Masters challenges you to follow your heart. They say, “Do what you love, and the money will follow.” What are you passionate about? Masters will help you find out what you love and discover what is your passion in life, as he shares about how to make money doing what you love, whether it’s from doing work that you love or starting your own business. Because, says Masters, “if you can do what you love and monetize your heart, you can have a better life, your best life and make the world a better place.”

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Dec 26: Living an Abundant Lifestyle

Where’s Your Vibration?

David M Masters

If you want to live an abundant lifestyle, where manifestation abounds and you’re attracting all the things you heart desires in this life, it’s important to know what vibrational frequency you’re maintaining. In our Beyond Science Lab we’re working on a device which reads your standard energy frequency vibration, every thought you think, situation, circumstance, or media hit you are exposed to will raise or lower your human vibration frequency. Learn how to determine your vibrational frequency setpoint naturally and how to purposefully raise your vibration. The more you practice high vibration energy activities, the higher your setpoint raises up the emotional frequency chart. Maintaining a high vibration will give you the abundant life you’ve been waiting for.

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Using gratitude to attract abundance: Become a Magnet for Your Desires

Amy Elmore

If you are not appreciating what gifts and blessings you currently have, you are not making room for newer experiences, better opportunities and more blessings. Even athletes working hard to reach a challenging goal know and appreciate their own strengths that they already possess, some even use their weaknesses as strategic advantages. No matter where you are in life, there is always something or someone to be grateful for; it is the best place to start if one is looking to either reach for the stars or start small by getting out of financial debt. When we are too focused on lack, we are actually holding ourselves back from opportunities of improvement, self-growth, and abundance in health, wealth, and knowledge.

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Building Low Input Passive Income Systems

Daniel M Schwartz

Living abundantly in the material sense is primarily an exercise of building systems that work for you and not against you. Unfortunately, many people are uneducated to this fact, and spend their time and money instead on temporarily meeting their needs or even on the acquisition of luxury items like cars and houses with increasingly higher upkeep costs.

In this short presentation I’ll cover common mistakes that people make in building their passive systems. And, even further, convert these missteps in to simple rules that you can use when choosing and building up your passive income lifestyle. My goal is the give you the tools you need to free yourself from the rat race and to grow in to your optimum version of yourself.

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Dec 27: Powering Up Your Will Power and Discipline

Choosing a Morning Routine

Daniel M Schwartz

Powerful people across the spectrum from billionaire businessmen to top artists and athletes, leverage their morning to spring board their success throughout the day. But, there is no one size fits all solution. In this short presentation we will discuss some examples of morning routines used by various people at the top of their fields, as well as common elements of what makes a morning routine successful. Then, we will parlay this information in to tools that you can use to develop and refine your own personal morning routine. Ever person is different, and so what works for one person at one time may not work for another. Yet, it is clear if a morning routine is working for you or not, because powerful morning have the power to change your life. By the end of this presentation, you will be one step closer building yourself up to the highest level.

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Imagination and Inspired Action

David M Masters

The most powerful tools you have to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place from this point are your imagination and inspired action. Imagine your life, if you could have anything you want any way you want it, all the love, health, and wealth you can envision. What would that look like? It is well known and often cited that with pure determination, will power, and hard work you can achieve your heart’s desires. Or you could forgo the extraneous blood, sweat, and tears, by focusing on personal growth and self improvement. Instead of pushing your way through life, you can execute inspired actions and allow your life to flourish.

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Dec 28: How to Attract Love

Finding Love Through Life Purpose

Daniel M Schwartz

It is a common mistake when searching for a soul mate to focus too much on the other person, and neglecting to find out who you are. A true lifetime connection can only be accomplished when you are true to yourself and up front with your loved ones with what you want to achieve in life. But, when this happens, there is a possibility for a deep connection with another who you partner with for life.

The goal of this presentation is to help point you in the right direction on the path to self discovery, and pass on some hints to help you find the truth inside yourself. I’ll also discuss ways to know if we are “ready” for a partner, and when it is appropriate to take time for yourself rather than making room for a partner.

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Living a Life of Love

David M Masters

Your life may have been somewhat lackluster till now. You may not have been the recipient of all the love you desired, certainly deserved, and you may have experienced such a lack of real love that you might not even believe there is such a thing as love at all. You might be surprised to discover that you have everything you need to have all the love in your life that your heart desires, and living a life of love is how to attract love into your life. In just a few minutes you can start manifesting love by learning how to live a life of love and how to attract love energy which magnetically increases your spiritual attraction to someone who is the perfect match for you.

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Dec 29: Finding and Expressing Yourself

Shadow work: Pull Back your Veil and Know Yourself on a Deeper Level

Amy Elmore

What is Shadow work and why is it so important? Are you on a spiritual journey? Do you want to raise your conscious level? Be more benevolent and enlightened? Then it means that you must swim to the deep side of the pool of the human psyche, your psyche. Often, especially now, we are so busy looking outside ourselves into the world, placing blame and seeing the faults in others. We’re so scared of how the world has become a dark and scary place that we don’t stop to realize what role we play and how under other circumstances we might be capable of wickedness and immorality.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” -Carl Jung

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Who are You? Really.

David M Masters

The number one question in the mind of the earthbound wanderer is, “Who am I?” Discover who you are, really, via self-discovery. The purpose of this life is to find out that you have a purpose and that purpose is the meaning which inspires your journey of self-discovery on this planet. Through processes of personal discovery you will uncover all the hidden treasure buried in the details of your past and in doing so you will lift the veil which shrouds how to find out who you really are. You are divine, a child of God, and you are here for a reason. You are treasured, you are sacred, and deserving of the gift of being yourself.

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Escaping Job Place Tyranny

Daniel M Schwartz

The biggest excuse people make when they aren’t living the life of their dreams is that they can’t get time off. For so many people, their jobs have become their prison limiting their time, sapping their energy, and changing their beliefs. Whether intentional or not, many job places in developed worlds are mini tyrannies.

With this presentation I’ll discuss two methods of escaping the tyranny: 1) molding the work place to meet your needs, 2) leaving the work place realize your passion. Luckily for us, in many cases this cell we live in is a trap of our own making. With a little hard truth and a bit of hard work, everyone has the opportunity to level up their work place and their lifestyle.

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Dec 30: Growing in to Your Intuition

7 Exercises to increase your intuition: Develop and Grow your Intuitive Muscle

Amy Elmore

Whether you are new to the aspect of Intuitiveness or you feel you are in a spiritual funk, unable to get your instinctive groove back on track, anyone on any level can benefit by these exercises. Your intuition is like a built-in navigator, there to help you through anything life has to throw at you, from staying safe in unfamiliar surroundings to choosing a life partner who brings joy and romance into your life. Developing your intuition doesn’t have to be time-consuming or some etherial journey that’s accessible to only a select few with natural-born gifts. With just a few exercises and patience you can improve, grow, and increase this skill that’s available to all.

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Building a Home with a Heart

Daniel M Schwartz

Modern homes and buildings are increasingly logical, industrial, plain, echoy, and ugly. In other words, these places are heartless, in that they lack an organic human warmth that makes more traditional hand-fashioned construction warm and inviting.

With techniques of natural building, we have the opportunity to use our intuition as our guide in decorating or constructing pleasant living spaces that make our homes inviting and reduce subconscious psychological stress on the body. Pulled from thousands of years of trial and error, and decades of experience of those reviving natural building techniques, these methods are low cost, easy to learn, and accessible to anyone with the will to learn.

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Using a Pendulum

David M Masters

You can make up what you’re lacking in intuition with a bit of applied kinesiology, which is commonly used amidst the healthcare industry. Based on the assumption that everything is energy, a pendulum can be used as a therapeutic tool which taps into the energy of life and can invigorate or validate one’s intuition, or be used as an alternative to intuition. A dowsing pendulum can be (and is often) used as a chakra pendulum. Using a pendulum can produce an alternative psychic pendulum reading, or certainly as a yes/no pendulum. In this short introduction to using pendulums learn how to ask questions as you are using a pendulum for answers.

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Dec 31: Self-Directing Spirituality

11 Ways to raise your vibration

Amy Elmore

Did you know that your mental well-being, your attitude, effects your vibration? Your vibration is like a frequency that ripples out into the world, a reflection of where you are on a conscious level. When your energy is low you’re attracting low-level vibrations. This is when it feels like the world is conspiring against you. Nothing seems to go right, everyone is being rude, impatient, ill-mannered, and offensive (especially behind the wheel). But, when you’re feeling amazing, you seem to be surrounded by love, people who smile, are welcoming and kind-hearted. Everything seems to be going right. When you raise your vibrations you attract higher vibrations from the world—from people to circumstances.

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This Is Your Journey

David M Masters

You came here as an independent spirit in human form to experience a wide variety of life. When you were young, you fully acknowledged, “I believe in the person I want to become,” to live this life in all its fullness. Since then, you may have forgotten this is your journey as you were swooped up and enveloped in someone else’s vision, and there’s a good chance most of (if not everything) you believe in is a lie. But if you want to believe in a better life, you must be willing to assert, “I want to believe in myself,” and don’t believe everything you’ve been told. Take back your life. This is your journey and you’re in charge of you.

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Choosing Superior Mental Axioms

Daniel M Schwartz

So much of what we think and how we live is predicated on subconscious thoughts or opinions. Sometimes called assumptions, limiting beliefs, or scripts, these thoughts are improvable, neither right nor wrong, and are often implanted when we are very young through institutions of education and religion, parents, friends, and chance experience.

Self-directing your spirituality means taking an active interest in the unvoiced opinions that guide your own thought processes. Through exploration and discovery, you are able to become aware of this latent firmware. Further, you have the opportunity to make conscious decisions to reform the scripts you have inherited into powerful mantras that better serve your mission.

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